​​​​Dedicated to Helping Children Through Our Shriners Hospitals for Children

The Villages Shrine Club

​(Left) Pictures from The Village Shrine Club BOWLING FUN-RAISER at Bowlero Spanish Springs Lanes 

Pictures from The Village Shrine Club BOWLING FUN-RAISER at Bowlero Spanish Springs Lanes in The Villages, Florida to benefit Shriners Children's Florida

Top Team : Tom, Darlene, Sharon, and Diane.

Pictures courtesy of Illustrious Sir Jeff Kuhn

​​​11/15/2024 and 11/17/2024

​(Right) Picture Two Villages Shrine Club Past Presidents

​Here's a picture of two Villages Shrine Club Past Presidents... Noble Past President Bob Leighton (right) and Noble Past President Bob Collins (left). They met recently at the Sahib Shrine Center Ball.

Both Noble Past Presidents are in line as Chief Rabban of their respective Shrine Centers... Noble Past President Leighton at Bahia and Noble Past President Collins at Sahib.

Picture courtesy of Noble Past President Bob Leighton.


​(Right) Team Momo!

Noble Jim Chaffin and Lady Judy met with Momo and her Mom, Sandy, on April 7, 2024, to pick up some Team Momo Tee Shirts that were sold and to give donations received to them. The donations will help towards their expenses as they travel for qualifying Swim Meets for Momo's Paralympics quest. 

​Pictures courtesy of Noble Jim Chaffin.


S u n s h i n e  

If you know of any of our Villages Shrine Club Nobles or their Ladies who are ill or have passed away please contact the Sunshine Committee  by e-mail at sunshine@thevillagesshrineclub.org and let them know so a card can be sent. They have a current roster of full names and addresses of all our Nobles and their Ladies, so it is only necessary to let them know if they are in a place other than their home, such as one of the local rehab centers, etc.  It is very important that our Nobles and their Ladies are aware that we are thinking of them during difficult times.

(Left) Pictures from the Villages Shrine Club December 2024 business meeting

Pictures from check presentations to the Bahia Shriners Illustrious Potentate Elect, Brian Damian at the December Villages Shrine Club business meeting.

Pictured are:

  • Susan and Stuart Feinberg of SMASH Productions, along with Bonnie Williams, castmate.
  • Barbara Byers, Barry Corlew, and Bonnie Williams of Music in Motion.
  • Noble Ralph Thompson - Paper Drive monies.
  • Noble Bill Tanner - Donation from Bowling Fund Raiser.

Pictures courtesy of Noble Jim Chaffin.


​(Right) Picture from the annual Al Kora Shrine Ladies Christmas Party

Picture of the check presentation to the Al Kora Shrine Ladies for Shriners Children's Florida from SMASH Productions from their production of The Honeymooners. This was received at the annual Christmas Party for the Al Kora Shrine Ladies. Lady Jackie Tanner headed up the fund raiser at a table that the Al Kora Shrine Ladies had at the Savannah Center. Jewelry boxes, made and donated by Noble Bill Tanner, were also for sale at this table. All monies were sent to Shriners Children's Florida.

SMASH Productions of The Villages is one of the leading theatre companies in The Villages Area and has earned a reputation for high energy musicals, comedies, and events in just seven short years. SMASH Productions brings together the best talent in The Villages including singers, dancers, musicians, and comedians to create top notch productions of original scripts and popular favorites.

Picture courtesy of Noble Jim Chaffin.


(Left) Pictures from the Villages Shrine Club March 2024 business meeting

Pictures from the March 2024 business meeting. 

Bahia Shriners Illustrious Potentate Mark Charlton accepted a generous donation from member and notable Villages performer Noble Alex Santoriello. Noble Alex will appear in Simply Sinatra ​on April 6, 2024 at the Savannah Center.

Illustrious Sir Jeff Kuhn and Lady Sharon with Tammy and Savannah. Tammy is Savannah's mother and Savannah was and still is one of our Shrine Kids.

Pictures courtesy of Noble Past President David Windmiller and Noble Jim Chaffin.


(Left) Pictures from the Villages Shrine Club January  2025 business meeting and installation of officers

Pictures from January 2025 business meeting and installation of officers. The Bahia Shriners Potentate Illustrious Sir Brian Damian and the Bahia Divan performed the installation of The Villages Shrine Club officers and the Bahia Shriners Yellow Jackets Scooter Club officers for 2025.

Pictures courtesy of Noble Past President David Windmiller.


​(Right) Pictures from the Shriners Hospitals for Children Polo Events

Pictures from the November 15, 2024, and the November 17, 2024, Shriners Hospitals for Children Polo events recognizing Shriners Hospitals for Children gifters in The Villages community. Great Polo and Shrine Family Food, Fun, and Fellowship.

Pictures courtesy of Illustrious Sir Jeff Kuhn

​​​11/15/2024 and 11/17/2024

​(Right) Picture of three Shriner Kids

​Here's a picture of Lady Judy and Noble Jim Chaffin with three Shriner Kids at the Bahia Shriners Charity Ride in Sanford, FL.  Left to Right; Grace, Katie, Lady Judy, Mo Mo, and Noble Jim.  Mo Mo has qualified for the Paralympics Swim Team!

Picture courtesy of Noble Jim Chaffin.


News   (Newest on top... scroll down the page to see all the pictures!)